Turn on Community's Weekly Reports

This article is for IT Support at schools using Linewize Community.

Community’s Send Weekly Reports is our recommended way to launch our Qustodio parent app to your school community. Weekly Reports lets your school send Qustodio account invites and weekly emails of students’ internet usage to parents and guardians who haven’t yet signed up for Community. The weekly emails aim to engage parents and guardians in monitoring their children’s internet usage at school and explore other features that Linewize Community and Qustodio offer.


We may revise and improve Weekly Reports based on customer feedback. Contact your Linewize Community representative for more information.

Before you start

  1. Contact your Linewize Community representative to turn on Weekly Reports.
  2. Plan your launch with your representative and configure your Community program.
  3. Turn on Weekly Reports only after you have configured Community.

Turn on Weekly Reports

  1. Contact your Linewize Community representative and specify when you want to start sending Weekly Reports.
  2. Go to School Manager > Configuration > Community > Configure Community.
  3. Select the Send Weekly Reports checkbox.
  4. Select Save.


Share student usage and insights with parents and guardians to use Weekly Reports.

Exclude a student or group from Weekly Reports

Manage Exclusions allows you to exclude specific students or groups from sharing Weekly Reports with their parents and guardians. The parents and guardians of excluded students will not receive Weekly Reports. Moreover, if you would like to exclude groups or users from the Community program completely, add them to the exclusion list for Activity Sharing, Weekly Reports and Parental Controls (if applicable).

To set weekly report exclusions:

  1. Go to School Manager > Configuration > Community > Configure Community.
  2. Select Manage Weekly Report Exclusions. The Manage Exclusions dialog will appear.
  3. In the Exclude Groups field, enter the group's name.


    For more information on how to add groups or users to School Manager, see:
  4. Select the group's name from the matching results. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add more groups.
  5. In the Exclude Users field, enter the username of specific students you want to exclude.
  6. Select the username from the matching results. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to add more users.
  7. Select Save Exclusions.
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