Set up Content-aware Module

This article is for IT Support. 

This article guides the setting up of Content Aware settings to enhance student safety by blurring inappropriate or harmful images.

Set up Content Aware

  1. In School Manager, go to Filtering > Content Aware.
  2. Select one or more of the Categories.
Category Definition and Examples

Graphically violent content, including:

  • Beatings, mutilations, and decapitations
  • Victims of accidents and shootings
  • Self-harm and suicide
  • Blood and guts
  • War violence
  • Dead bodies

Explicit and adult content, including:

  • Pornography (including Anime Pornography)
Intimate Apparel

Objectification of the opposite sex, including:

  • Swimwear and beachwear
  • Lingerie and underwear
  1. Select a Sensitivity Level.
Sensitivity Level Impact

Fewer images are blurred, resulting in fewer false positives.


More accurate than low sensitivity, with a moderate number of false positives.

High Most images are blurred, leading to a higher chance of false positives.
  1. (Optional) Select Guilt by Association. This setting prevents displaying potentially inappropriate content by associating all images with the identified problematic images. For example, if 6 out of the first 12 images on a page are deemed inappropriate, Content Aware will blur all images from this search.
  2. (Optional) Add Excluded Domains. This setting allows specific trusted websites to bypass the blurring process. For example, allowing educational websites like ensures Content Aware won’t blur all images on that website.


Up to 50 domains can be excluded.

  1. Select Apply.


If this is the first time setting up Content Aware, you can now deploy it using one of the following methods:


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