Share Student Usage and Insights using Community

This article is for IT Support at schools using Linewize Community.

You can share different types of data with parents and guardians using Community.


When Parental Controls is on, Community automatically shares all activity outside of school hours with parents and guardians. The Type of Activity to Share options apply only to activities during school hours.

Before you begin

  1. Consider the impact of data sharing before sharing student data from Community.
  2. Confirm your parent and guardian details are correct and update them if needed.

Turn on Student Usage and Insights

  1. Go to School Manager > Community > Configure Community.
  2. Select the Share Student Usage and Insights checkbox.
  3. Under Data Sharing Time, select one of the following times when student data usage should be captured:
    1. All Time
    2. School Time Only
    3. Outside School Time Only
  4. Under Type of Activity to Share, select one or both types of activity to be shared:
    1. Share Allowed Activity
    2. Share Block Activity
  5. (Optional) Select the Share Student Timeline checkbox.
    1. Under Additional Data Sharing Options, select which additional timeline data to allow to be shared:
      1. Share Search Terms
      2. Share Videos Accessed
    2. To prevent specific students or groups from having their timeline data shared with parents and guardians, use the Manage Timeline Exclusions feature.
  6. (Optional) Select the Send Weekly Reports checkbox to turn on Weekly Reports.
  7. Select Save.
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