School Manager and Classwize Bypass Codes

This article is for IT support and Filtering Administrators.

Using a School Manager Bypass Code or Classwize Bypass Code, you can provide users with temporary access to sites, applications or searches that are Blocked but not Locked.


Bypass Codes will:

  • Only work with a Linewize appliance and Connect for Chrome
  • Not work with Connect for macOS and Connect for Windows

Creating a Bypass Code in School Manager

System users with the Global Administrator, Filtering Administrator, and Filtering Reporting Administrator roles can use School Manager to create Bypass Codes for users.

  1. In School Manager, go to Filtering > Bypass Codes.
  2. Select Add Code.
  3. Select a duration of time (10 min to 3 hours), then select Add.

Allowing Teachers to Create Bypass Codes

Your school may allow teachers to create Bypass Codes using their Classwize Class Tools. System users with the Global Administrator, Classroom Administrator or Classroom Ed-Tech Manager roles can enable the Bypass Codes for teachers:

  1. In School Manager, go to Configuration > Classwize.
  2. Go down the page to Classrooms and to Features.
  3. Select Bypass Code from the dropdown list.
  4. Select Save.

After you have enabled Bypass Codes in Classwize, teachers can create a Bypass Code in Classwize using Class Tools. 

Viewing Available and Active Bypass Codes

System users with the Global Administrator, Filtering Administrator and Filtering Reporting Administrator roles can view a list of available Bypass Codes. The Active page contains a list of currently activated Bypass Codes.

Available Codes

You can view a list of current Bypass Codes created by a teacher, IT support or Filtering Administrator on the Available Codes page. 

From the Filtering Bypass Codes Available, you can:

  • Reuse a Bypass Codes until it expires.
  • Search by the Code or the name of the IT support or Filtering Administrator who created the Bypass Code. 
  • Sort the list by selecting a column title. Select it again to reverse the sort.
  • Select Expire Now to expire an Active code.
Code 4-digit code to use in Block Page or (http not https).
Created By Name of the IT support or Filtering Administrator who added the Bypass Code.
Creation Date the Bypass Code was created.
Expiry The time when the Bypass Code will automatically expire.
Status One of the following will be displayed:
  • Expired - the code can no longer be used .
  • Expire Now - the Bypass Code is active (as needed, you can click Expire Now to end access immediately).

Active Codes

The Active or Bypass Codes Active page shows a list of codes currently in use, including details about who is using them. Go to Filtering > Bypass Codes > Active to:

  • Search by the Code or the name of the Global Administrator, Filtering Administrator, Filtering Reporting Administrator or Teacher who created the Bypass Code. 
  • Sort the list by selecting a column title. Select it again to reverse the sort.
  • Select Expire Now to expire an active code.
Code 4-digit code to use in Block Page or (http not https).
Username Name as it appears in Configuration > Users and Groups > Users.

The current IP address of the device connected to your Linewize appliance. The IP address will be displayed for Windows and macOS devices not running Connect. Note the IP of your core switch is displayed if the devices are connecting to a VLAN terminating on a core switch.


The current IP address of the device connected to your Linewize appliance. MAC addresses will be displayed for Windows and macOS devices not running Connect.

Chrome ID Current Chrome extension identity, if Connect for Chrome is active.
Activation Time the Bypass Code was enabled by a user.
Expiry The time when the Bypass Code will automatically expire.
Status One of the following will be displayed:
  • Expired - the code can no longer be used.
  • Expire Now - the Bypass Code is active (as needed, you can click Expire Now to end access immediately).



I created a Bypass Code, but students still can’t access the website

If a student uses a Bypass Code but can't access a website, the website may be Locked-Blocked. Only your Global Administrator, Filtering Administrator or Filtering Reporting Administrator can unblock Locked-Blocked websites.

Classwize Focus is switched on, and the Bypass Code isn’t working

Bypass Codes do not work while a teacher has the Focus session active. Students who use a Bypass Code will reach the Block Page. Teachers won’t be able to generate new Bypass Codes until they end the Focus session.

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