School Manager Statistics Interface Guide

This article is for IT support, school leadership, and wellbeing staff.

The Statistics section of School Manager organizes reports of your school's users, devices, and network. activity. It has five pages:

  • Dashboard
  • Apps and Websites
  • Active Users
  • Network
  • Realtime


The Dashboard gives you a quick visual overview of activity at your school. You can use the Dashboard to:

  • Quickly spot at-risk users and identify problem websites.
  • See which filtering rules are causing the most blocks.
  • Monitor trending videos, searches and applications.
  • Keep an eye on your School Manager network performance and status.

See the School Manager Dashboard article for details.


Figure 1: School Manager Dashboard View


If you're having issues seeing Red Flags on your School Manager Dashboard, try turning off your Adblocker.

A. Find User Search for a user by username, email or name and quickly go to their user dashboard.
B. Classwize Quickly log into Classwize as a teacher. This is unavailable for users with the Reporting/Pastoral Care or Filtering Administrator roles.
C. Red Flags Users with the most attempts to access potentially risky content during your chosen time period. 

D. Top Blocked Toggle between UsersApps and Policies to see your most-blocked users and content, and which block filtering rules are being triggered the most.
E. Trending Toggle between VideosSearches and Apps to see the most popular content for all of your users during your chosen time period compared to the previous time period. 
F. Top 6 Apps The websites, signatures, and applications using the most data on your school network. 
G. Network Health A quick overview of the current status and health of your School Manager network. This is only visible to IT support with the Owners/Global Administrator role. 

Apps and Websites

The Apps and Websites page displays the list of applications and websites accessed by users in your set time period. The list can be filtered by column headings. Click to sort in ascending order and click again to sort by descending order. The Apps and Websites chart on the right shows the access distribution of top websites. The data is sorted by the largest Total Transfers by default.

Apps and Websites.png

Figure 2: School Manager Statistics - Apps and Websites Dashboard View

For the selected time period:

A. Search Type to find matching text in the Category or Application or Website column.
B. Category Click to sort alphabetically by Category (does not sort subcategories). Click again to reverse the sort.
C. Application or Website Click to sort alphabetically by web address. Click again to reverse the sort.
D. Upload Click to sort by the amount of data sent to a web address (for example, saving a document to an online folder).
E. Download Click to sort by the amount of data viewed, saved, and received on your users' devices by web address (for example, viewed videos). 
F. Total transfer Click to sort by the amount of data sent to and received from your users' devices by each web address.
G. Filter by Group Type to filter the information by groups of users (for example, year levels) to see relevant information for the particular group.
H. Export Report Click to download a text file (Comma Separated Values) of the data you are viewing. You can open and save the file using a spreadsheet program.
I. Ratio of top activity

View graph displays the ratio of the top six websites or apps by the total amount of data transferred.

Active Users

The Users page displays the list of all users active in the selected time period and the users' data usage. The list can be sorted by column in ascending or descending order.


Figure 3: School Manager Statistics - Active Users Dashboard View

For the selected time period:

A. Search Type any part of a Username or Name to find matching users.
B. Username Click to sort alphabetically by the online identity of your users. Click again to reverse the sort.
C. Name Click to sort the names as they appear in your list. (The list will sort by first names in this example.)
D. Upload Click to sort by the total amount of data the user sent from their device. Click again to reverse the sort.
E. Download Click to sort by the amount of data the user viewed or saved to their device. Click again to reverse the sort.
F. Transfer Click to sort the total amount of data by user.
G. Operations This column is visible to IT support and is used to find the identity of devices in their Realtime > Connections report.

The Network reports are most useful when troubleshooting networking issues to with school or Linewize IT support. You can use the Network reports to monitor devices, including shared devices in the library and laboratories. This report can help you find devices running unusual software or downloading large files like software or videos from the internet.


Figure 4: School Manager Statistics - Network Dashboard View

For the selected time period:

A. Search Search by any part of the network identity (Internet Protocol) or device identity Machine Access Control (MAC) address. For example, your IT support may group the network identity of shared devices resulting in the same first 6 to 9 numbers in the IP.
B. IP Address Your IT support sets up systems to allow a device to get the next available network identity (dynamic IP) or to always use the same network identity (fixed IP). You can click to sort the IP addresses. Click again to reverse the sort.
C. MAC The device manufacturer assigns a unique identity to each device. Part of the address identifies the manufacturer.
D. Upload Click to sort by the total amount of data the user sent from their device. Click again to reverse the sort.
E. Download Click to sort by the amount of data the user viewed or saved to their device. Click again to reverse the sort.
F. Total Click to sort by the total amount of data by user.


The Realtime report contains technical details useful for users who need to identify what devices are currently connected to your school’s network.
If a user requires access to the Realtime feature, you can use the User Roles in School Manager table to determine what role to give them. Find out how to use the Realtime report in our Realtime Connections Guide.



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