Sending Connect for Chrome Diagnostics Logs to Linewize Support

This article is for IT Support.

This article shows how to access the Linewize Connect for Chrome diagnostics link and submit diagnostics logs to Linewize Support. This may be necessary for troubleshooting purposes under the guidance of Linewize Support.


If you are using Connect for Chrome v2 or don't see the Gear (cog wheel) icon on the Connect extension pop-up, contact Linewize Support for further assistance.

Sending Diagnostics Logs

  1. When Linewize Support instructs, select the Connect for Chrome icon in the browser Extensions toolbar.

Image 1: Connect icon on the browser Extensions toolbar

  1. Select the Gear (cog wheel) icon.

Image 2: Gear icon on the Connect extension pop-up

  1. Select the Send Diagnostics to Linewize icon.

Image 3: Send Diagnostics to Linewize link on the Connect extension settings pop-up

  1. When successful, the Diagnostics uploaded successfully message should appear.

    If the upload fails, you will see the error message Failed to upload log data. Verify your internet connection and try uploading again.


    Provide Linewize Support with the School Manager Device ID and username of the student who sent the logs so they can locate and investigate.

Image 4: Diagnostics uploaded successfully dialog


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