Upgrading ChromeOS to a version that supports MV3

This article is for IT Support. 

As of June 2024, Google will stop allowing Chrome Extensions based on the Manifest V2 (MV2) framework to run and only allow those using Manifest V3 (MV3). ChromeOS version 110 (released in January 2023) is the minimum version that can support Linewize Connect for Chrome Extension using the MV3 extension framework.

Determining your managed devices’ ChromeOS version

Using the Google Chrome Auto Update Policy List

You can manually determine the ChromeOS version of all your devices by visiting the Google Chrome Auto Update Policy page.

Using the Google Workspace Admin Console

  1. Sign in to the Google Workspace Admin Console.
  2. Go to Devices > Chrome > Devices. Here you can view all your managed ChromeOS devices.


    This list will not include unmanaged devices

  3. Select the cog icon at the top right of the table.
  4. The Manage Columns window will appear. Add the ChromeOS Version column to the device list. This will show all your devices, their discontinued date (the “Automatic updates until” column) and the ChromeOS version column.


    ChromeOS versions before January 2023 are not supported.

Image 1: The Automatic updates until and ChromeOS Version columns.


Updating the ChromeOS version


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