Connect for Windows not filtering after Chromium Update v124

This article is for IT administrators at schools using Connect for Windows in Web filtering mode.

Chromium Update v124 causes Connect for Windows to stop filtering student devices correctly when Web mode is on and MITM (Man in the Middle Mode) is off. No other Connect versions or configurations, such as Companion Mode, are affected.

Update 03 May 2024:

We have finished investigating this issue with our partners. Unfortunately, the Chromium update means we can't support Web filtering mode without MITM enabled. You will need to change your filtering mode, or upgrade to Companion Mode. Instructions to change or upgrade are below.

You should update Edge and Chrome to the most current version. You should also turn automatic updates back on if you turned them off.

If you need help or more information, contact our support team, mentioning Chromium Update v124.

26 April 2024: We are actively investigating the cause and will notify you in School Manager when the issue is resolved.

What do I do if my school is affected?

Next, you should do one of these things:

Option A: Turn on MITM

Turning on MITM will resolve the issue by changing from passive to an active traffic inspection. MITM can have many other benefits, such as:

  • allowing you to monitor search terms and YouTube content
  • providing real-time alerts about your risk indicators
  • stopping users from logging into personal Google and Microsoft accounts.


When MITM Enabled is On, Linewize Connect intercepts and inspects SSL traffic. Check your school’s policies before turning on MITM.

  1. Go to Configuration > Mobile Agent.
  2. Find the On School Manager Network section.
  3. Turn on (check) MITM enabled.
  4. Add Signatures to the Inspected field. Connect will actively inspect traffic for these sites. We recommend adding Google Search, YouTube and Bing.
  5. (Optional) Add groups of users to MITM Exclude Groups.


    This will prevent Connect from inspecting their traffic, and may exclude them from your filtering entirely.

  6. Find the Off School Manager Network section.
  7. If Filtering Enabled is On, repeat steps 3, 4 and 5.
  8. Save.

Option B: Change to DNS filtering mode

Changing to DNS filtering mode will resolve the issue by using a type of filtering not affected by the Chromium changes. DNS filtering also gives you access to more reporting tools.

  1. Go to Configuration > Mobile Agent.
  2. Find the On School Manager Network section
  3. Change the Default Filtering Mode to DNS.
  4. Find the Off School Manager Network section.
  5. If Filtering Enabled is On, repeat step 3.
  6. Save.

Option C: Upgrade to Companion Mode

Companion Mode combines Connect for Windows with our Connect for Chrome browser extension to give you the strongest filtering and reporting.

Contact our support team or your Account or Success Manager if you’re interested in trying Companion Mode.

Resume Browser updates

If you rolled back Chrome or Edge, or paused updates, you should resume updates and ensure you have the most current version of each:

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