Alvaro Carrillo
Repository for Family Zone Root CA Certificate
This article contains the latest Family Zone Root CA Certificates. Certificate Formats Format Certificates Mobile Device Management (MDM) Software familyzone_ca_2028.der G Suite Admin, ...
Wellbeing and Pastoral Carer FAQ
This article is for school leadership and wellbeing staff. What is the difference between the Red Flag Risk Indicators? Icons and Colors of Risk Indicators You can identify the frequency a...
Linewize Connect Minimum System Requirements
This article is for IT Support. This article provides an overview of the minimum system requirements necessary for running Linewize Connect. Platform OS RAM Architecture Windows Windows 10...
YouTube Partial Filtering for Connect for iOS
This article is intended for IT support. Warning This feature will only work for iPadOS v14.6+ using Safari and Chrome and requires Man in the Middle (MITM) inspection. Partial Filtering lets y...
Opt out a parent or guardian from Community
This article is for IT Support at schools using Linewize Community. Parents and guardians at schools using Linewize Community and School Manager can connect to a student through the Qustodio Parent...
Filtering Modes for Connect for Windows, iOS, and macOS
This article is for IT Support. Linewize Connect app can use different ways to filter and report on your users' Internet usage and give you access to more Linewize features. Choosing the best Fil...
Connect Fallback Mode
This article is intended for IT support. Linewize Connect’s Fallback Mode uses an embedded blocklist to ensure your students' devices have CIPA (Children's Internet Protection Act) and Online Safet...
Content Filtering Overview
This article is for IT Support. The School Manager content filter controls which content and applications are allowed or blocked at your school. When School Manager is initially deployed, Linewiz...
Uninstalling Linewize Connect and Authentication Agent
This article is intended for IT support. You can manually uninstall Linewize Connect and the Linewize Authentication Agent on each device, or alternatively, you can bulk uninstall them from school...
School Manager and Classwize Bypass Codes
This article is for IT support and Filtering Administrators. Using a School Manager Bypass Code or Classwize Bypass Code, you can provide users with temporary access to sites, applications or sea...