Share student timeline with parents using Community

This article is intended for IT Support at schools with Linewize Community which use School Manager to manage students’ access to their network and internet connections.


We use the term “guardians” to include parents and other legal custodians. Linewize is not responsible for resolving disputes between guardians, schools, and school staff.

Community’s Share Student Timeline lets your school provide parents with a timeline of student usage data from school managed devices through the Qustodio parent app or website. Your school can configure what you share and when student usage from a school managed device is captured. You can also prevent specific students or groups from having their Timeline shared with their parents.

Parents can use Qustodio to view a Dashboard and Timeline for connected children.

  • The Dashboard displays daily and weekly summary data of Top Apps/Sites and Top Categories.
  • The Timeline presents their child's activity chronologically based on your school's settings.


Parents cannot see red flags or other alerts. We have found that sharing alerts with parents is a potential risk to students and that parents may misinterpret alerts. Flagged data may still be shared with parents (depending on your school's configuration), but our firm policy is that Qustodio will not notify parents of any alerts raised by your school.

Before You Begin

  1. You must set your school’s hours and days in School Manager’s School Calendar.
  2. Sign in to School Manager as an Owner/Global Administrator or Community Administrator and go to Configuration > Community > Configure Community. Ensure the Share Student Timeline option is available. Contact your Linewize Account or Success Manager if you can’t see this option.

Configuring Student Timeline Sharing


Before turning on Community, you must ensure all student and parent information is correct in your School Information System (SIS) or other sources of truth. Community relies on your data being accurate to deliver services and correctly add parents and students together. More information can be found in the following articles:

To turn on Student Timeline Sharing:

  1. Go to School Manager > Configuration > Community > Configure Community.
  2. Select the Share Student Usage and Insights checkbox.
  3. Under Data Sharing Time, select during which time student data usage should be captured. You can select one of the following options:
    • All Time
    • School Time Only
    • Outside School Time Only
  4. Under Type of Activity to Share, select which activity types to allow data to be shared. You can select one or both of the following options:
    • Share Allowed Activity
    • Share Block Activity
  1. Select the Share Student Timeline checkbox.
  2. Optional) If your school has turned on MITM, you can choose whether to display students' Bing and Google search history and YouTube history on their timeline. Under Additional Data Sharing Options, select one or both of the following options:
    • Share Search Terms
    • Share Videos Accessed
  3. Select Save.

Manage Data Sharing Exclusions

Manage Exclusions allows you to exclude specific students or groups from having their Timeline shared with parents. The parents of excluded students will not receive any Student Timeline data about them, even if they are already connected to them.

To set student timeline sharing exclusions:

  1. Select Manage Exclusions. The Manage Exclusions dialog will appear.
  2. In the Exclude Groups field, enter the name of the group containing users you want to exclude.


    For more information, see Adding and Managing Groups in School Manager.

  3. Select the group name from the matching results. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add more groups.
  4. In the Exclude Users field, enter the user name of specific students you want to exclude.
  5. Select the user name from the matching results. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to add more users.
  6. Select Save Exclusions.
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