School Community Data Sharing Guide

This guide is for School Administrators and School Leadership at schools (including school districts) with Linewize Community.


We use the term “guardians” to include parents and other legal custodians. Linewize is not responsible for resolving disputes between guardians, schools, and school staff.

Our platforms provide your school with several features to support parents' engagement and empowerment in online safety. These features address the increasing demands from school communities for visibility and influence over student online activity while addressing the dual obligations of schools and parents to work together to keep children safe in and outside of school.
The purpose of this guide is to provide school administrators and leadership with information and guidance to support making their important decisions concerning sharing data with parents.

Data sharing with parents

School Manager allows schools to share Weekly Summaries and Timelines of children’s online activities with the parents of Connected Students through the Qustodio parent app. See Share student timeline with parents using Community to learn how to manage data sharing at your school.

Weekly Summary

The Weekly Summary gives an overview of the websites and mobile apps a student has visited and used over the past seven days. Qustodio shows this Summary on the parent’s User Dashboard.

Timeline Activities

The Timeline provides more details of a student’s internet activity over the past 30 days. Qustodio shows this Timeline on the parent’s User Dashboard. Your school has a range of Timeline Sharing options. You can choose to share:

Type Behaviour When Shared
App Use Activity The Timeline displays the app's name and when the student used it, as identified by School Manager.
Web Activity The Timeline displays the domains accessed by the student and the associated web category, as identified by School Manager.
Search Terms The Timeline displays the search terms entered by the student into internet search engines supported by School Manager.
Videos The Timeline displays the videos watched by the student on YouTube as identified by School Manager.

You can choose to share or not each type and share any blocked activity of each type.

Data sharing decisions

Sharing student data with parents can impact student safety and is subject to federal and state-specific data protection laws and regulations. Your school senior administrators and/or leadership should make data-sharing decisions.

Data sharing considerations

You should consider several factors when deciding what, if any, data to share with parents. Not every school will have the same set of needs and circumstances, so this list may not be exhaustive:

  • Laws: Local laws and regulations relating to school data, rights of parents and rights of students to agency/privacy.
  • Risks: If data sharing may create unnecessary concerns for parents or put students at risk of physical or psychological harm.
  • Benefits: if sharing of data will benefit students, parents or the broader community by improving online safety or wellbeing.
  • Expectations: What your school community’s expectations are regarding sharing of student data.

Contact your Linewize Account or Success Manager if you have any questions or need help with this analysis.

Communicating with parents and students

You want your parents and students to feel involved in a shared safety journey every step of the way, and avoid them feeling blindsided by the implementation of new technologies. We have consistently found that schools achieve the best outcomes with the least conflict when they communicate openly and sincerely about the purpose of their safety programs. These schools also explain the benefits and limitations of their safety programs and systems before they put them in place.

In particular, we suggest:

  • informing both parents and students of the planned measures and options available to participate, opt out or raise concerns before enabling data sharing with parents; and
  • where schools choose not to share specific data (for example, blocked online activity), you communicate the school’s reasoning to parents.

Parents opting out of receiving data

Parents are opted out by default. They must actively use the Qustodio app to opt in to their child’s data. Parents can ask you to disconnect them from their child or they can change their email address on their Qustodio account to stop receiving data.

Students concerned about data sharing with their parents

If students are worried about your school sharing their data with their parents, they should contact you first. We recommend having a response and plan of action ready if a student raises these concerns at your school.
If needed, you can permanently turn off an individual student’s data connection to the Qustodio app. This will prevent their parents from seeing their data, even if the parent tries to opt in.

Student data showing visits to websites they don't have access to

Student data may show students visiting websites they would usually be blocked from accessing, such as Facebook, Pinterest or YouTube. This is because some websites use third-party services provided by these sites for authentication, caching, and advertising. Our platforms filter out the full websites. The web addresses of filtered websites may still appear in the student's data. It’s important to be prepared to explain the data should parents have questions about their children accessing these sites.

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