Add parent and guardian Details into Community using CSV

This article is for IT Support at schools using Linewize Community.

You can upload parent and guardian details into School Manager using a CSV file, if your school isn't using a School Information System (SIS) that School Manager supports. The CSV upload process also connects the parent and guardians to the students if your CSV is formatted correctly.

School Manager accepts two .csv formats: OneRoster or Simple. If your school can export user data from OneRoster, you can edit the OneRoster file to fit the details required for School Manager. Otherwise, you can use the Simple CSV Format.

Before You Begin

  1. Check you have all the required parent and guardian details and export your guardian data from your School Information System.
  2. Download the CSV template file from School Manager, go to Configuration > Community > Parent Data Upload. Select OneRoster CSV or Simple CSV to download the appropriate template.

Format the CSV File

You must make sure your CSV file contains the correct entries, otherwise, School Manager may show an error message when you try uploading your CSV file.

CSV File Requirements:

  • Student usernames in School Manager and your CSV must match. This is Case Sensitive.
  • Your .csv file lists the fields in the correct order.
  • All fields must be present and completed, except the middleName field in the OneRoster CSV format. If you’re using Simple CSV format, do not leave any empty spaces in your CSV.
  • Each parent or guardian must have a unique email address, even if they are from the same family.
  • Your CSV file should have a maximum of 5,000 rows of data. If the file has more than this, you may encounter errors. To upload more users, split your CSV into smaller files with 5,000 rows or less.
  • Make sure to save or export your .CSV file with UTF-8 encoding.
  • You can add multiple parents or guardians to a single student using the CSV templates, but each must have a unique email address.

Simple CSV Format

Your CSV file must contain the following fields in this order:

Field Information required

1. StudentUsername

The School Manager username for the student, which will be used to link the parent or guardian.
2. ParentFirstName The parent or guardian’s first name.
3. ParentLastName The parent or guardian’s last name.
4. ParentEmail The parent or guardian’s unique email address.


Image 1: Example simple CSV template

OneRoster CSV Format

Your CSV file must contain the following column headers in the listed order:

Field Information required

1. sourcedId

This ID is typically already generated by your third-party system. Make sure this ID is unique.
2. role Enter “student” or “guardian” for this field, depending on the user you’re adding.
3. username The School Manager username for the student, which will be used to link the parent or guardian.
4. givenName The student, parent or guardian’s first name.
5. familyName The student, parent or guardian’s last name.
6. middleName (Optional) The student, parent or guardian’s middle name.
7. email The student, parent or guardian’s unique email address.
8. status Enter “active” for this field.
9. agents Enter the sourcedID’s for all students associated with that parent or guardian. Separate each sourcedID with a comma e.g sourceID2,sourceID3.


There must not be any spaces between each sourcedID.


Image 2: Example OneRoster CSV template

Upload your CSV file

Once you’ve formatted your CSV file correctly, upload it into School Manager.

  1. Go to Configuration > Community > Parent Data Upload.
  2. Select the Select File button or drag and drop your CSV file into the School Manager window.
  3. Once the file is uploaded, select Upload to load the information into School Manager.
  4. If your upload is successful, you will see a success message. Check your Community Dashboard or Parent Management page to check the newly added parent or guardian details.
  5. If you see an error message, Select the Download Error File button and check the file to see why an error occurred.
  6. Resolve any formatting errors then try uploading your CSV file again.

If you experience any non-formatting related issues, please contact Linewize Support.

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