Configuring Timeouts

This article is for IT support. 

Network timeouts are a configuration that controls the time that School Manager keeps you and other users logged in to a device. Timeouts are configured for different durations, days, groups, networks and authentication types. By default, your session is removed after 30 minutes of inactivity. If you shut off your computer for over 30 minutes, you must log in again to resume browsing.


This functionality only applies to schools with a Linewize appliance.

Configuring Timeouts

  1. Go to Configuration > Authentication > Timeouts.
  2. Select Add Timeout.
  3. Select the Edit icon.
  4. Using the dropdown, select the Timeout Type.
Type Description Example

Idle User Timeout

Logs users out after a specified duration of time (seconds) when the device is completely idle (there is no internet traffic occurring).


Some mobile devices may have an application running in the background even though the device is not in active use. This means it may take much longer for the device to be completely idle.

Logs the user out after 30 minutes of complete internet idle time.

Elapsed Timeout

Logs users out after a specified duration (seconds) from logging in.

Logs the user out after 30 minutes.

Absolute Timeout

Logs users out after a specified time of day (Day and 24Hour Time)

Logs the user out at 3:30 pm every day.

  1. Using the dropdown, select the Timeout. Options include:
Timeout Converted to
5 minutes 300 seconds
10 minutes 600 seconds
15 minutes 900 seconds
30 minutes 1800 seconds
45 minutes 2700 seconds
1 hour 3600 seconds
2 hours 7200 seconds
3 hours 10800 seconds
4 hours 14400 seconds
5 hours 18000 seconds
6 hours 21600 seconds
1 day 86400 seconds
2 days 172800 seconds
1 week 604800 seconds
2 weeks 1209600 seconds
  1. If you have selected Absolute Timeout, select the Days of the Week.


This will not work for Idle User Timeout or Elapsed Timeout.

  1. Select the Groups (Optional). These groups were created in Configuration > Users and Groups > Groups.
  2. Select the Networks (Optional). These are the network objects created in Configuration > Objects > Pools.


Only objects that contain the IP Range List and IP Subnet List will appear in this dropdown.

  1. Using the dropdown, select the Login Method. Options include:
Method Description
Permanent Association Timeout will only apply to users who are permanently associated. This configuration can be found in Configuration > Users and Groups > Associations.
NPS Timeout will only apply to users who log in using the Network Policy Server (NPS). This configuration can be found in Configuration > Authentication > WMI > Edit/add a controller and set the type to "Radius NPS Logins".
DC Timeout will only apply to users who log in using the Domain Controller (DC). This configuration can be found in Configuration > Authentication > WMI > Edit/add a controller and set the type to "Domain Logins".
Radius Timeout will only apply to users who log in using Radius. This configuration can be found in Configuration > Authentication > RADIUS.
Captive Portal Password Login Timeout will only apply to users who log in via the Captive Portal using a username and password. This configuration can be found in Configuration > Authentication > Captive Portal.
Captive Portal Guest Timeout will only apply to users who log in via the Captive Portal using the Guest login. This configuration can be found in Configuration > Authentication > Captive Portal.
Chrome Extension Does not function, this will be deprecated.
Captive Portal Google Timeout will only apply to users who log in via the Captive Portal using the Google login. This configuration can be found in Configuration > Authentication > Captive Portal.
Captive Portal Azure AD Timeout will only apply to users who log in via the Captive Portal using the Microsoft Entra ID (formally Azure AD) login. This configuration can be found in Configuration > Authentication > Captive Portal.
  1. Select Save.


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