School Manager Weekly Wellbeing Report Email

This article is for teachers, school leadership, and wellbeing staff.

The "Weekly Wellbeing Report" is an automated email report sent from School Manager summarizing the users with the highest amount of Red Flag activity between Monday and Sunday of the previous week. The information helps you monitor the frequency and types of online behavioral challenges your users may be experiencing.

If you would like to get the "Weekly Wellbeing Report", ask your School Manager Global Administrator or your Filtering/Reporting Administrator to set it up for you. Be sure to let them know if you only want a specific Group of users, like a year group or one particular user.

Once set up, you will receive the "Weekly Wellbeing Report" from and contains five sections.

  1. Your Linewize appliance name and selected date range
  2. Top ten users with the highest frequency Red Flags
  3. Top users with blocked suicide Red Flags
  4. Top users with blocked adult content Red Flags
  5. Top users with blocked VPN Red Flags

Sections of the Weekly Report

A. School Manager data


Your report opens with the name of the Linewize appliance managing filtering rules at your school. You may get Weekly Student Wellbeing emails from multiple devices if you are responsible for users at the school district level or a large school. The introduction will also contain the date range, starting with Monday through to Sunday of the previous week.

B. Users with red flag indicators


You will see a list of the top ten users with the highest number of Red Flags, the categories of the Red Flags, and the number of attempts to access or search for content in the blocked categories. The user with the highest number of attempts or Hits will be at the top of the list. 


Red Flag Colors

You can use the icon and color associated with the Red Flag to understand if the user is attempting to access this content through searches, websites, or services on the user’s device. 

While we refer to these elements as “Red Flags”, you will notice two other colors in the Risk Indicators. We often refer to the Risk Indicators as Red Flags because these tags appear in the Red Flags reports, dashboard tiles, and columns. The color of the Risk Indicator lets you know how frequently the user attempted to access this category of content for this category of online content.




Red indicates frequent attempts to access potentially risky content or conduct an unsafe search. 

This user's total number of attempts was more significant than 5% of the blocked attempts in this category for all of the users in School Manager. Users with the highest count of red indicators will appear at the top of Red Flag lists in your dashboard, report pages, and email reports. It will be associated with the device, website, or search activity.




Pink indicates consistency in accessing potentially risky content or conducting an unsafe search. 

This user's total number of attempts in this category is between 2% and 5% compared to the total attempts for all users. Users usually appear in the middle of Red Flag lists with only pink and blue indicators.




Blue indicates a user has attempted to access potentially risky content or use unsafe search keywords on a few occasions, typically once or twice within the selected time period. 

The total number of attempts in this category is less than 2% of the attempts compared to all other users. Users usually appear at the bottom of Red Flag lists if they only have blue categories.

 If you have access to School Manager, you can get an overview of all Red Flag activities by going to Cyber Safety > Red Flags. You can set the time period in the upper right to start on Monday and end on Sunday of the previous week to match your Weekly Wellbeing Report. 

C. Top suicidal red flag users


You will see up to ten user(s) with the highest number of blocked attempts to access websites or conduct searches using keywords associated with self-harm. The total number of attempted connections for each user over the duration of the week is listed in the Hits column. If you sign into School Manager, you can search for the Suicide filter tag, in the Cyber Safety > Red Flags report.

D. Top adult content users


The Top Adult Content Users is a list of the top ten users who were blocked from accessing websites identified as containing sexually explicit and pornographic images, videos, games, and text. The Hits are a subtotal of the number of blocked attempts to access Adult Content.

To investigate the websites, sign into School Manager. Go to Statistics > Active Users and find the username. Select the user and select Timeline. Type “Adult Content” into the Timeline Search box to see the time of day and types of websites the user was blocked from accessing.

E. Top VPN users

This section applies to schools with Bring Your Own Device policies or guest devices connecting to your physical network. This section is usually blank if your devices are only school-managed or managed by your MDM (Mobile Device Management).


Your email report will close with the top ten users blocked from using Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). Some of your users may attempt to use VPNs to bypass filtering to access entertainment, games, or inappropriate content.

You can use the Cyber Safety > Red Flags report to search for details of when the VPNs are being used. 

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