This article is for all School Manager users.
School Manager’s Dashboard provides you with quick and easy access to key information about what internet activity is happening at your school. Using the dashboard, you can:
- Quickly spot at-risk users and identify problem websites.
- See which filtering rules are causing the most blocks.
- Monitor trending videos, searches and applications.
- Keep an eye on your School Manager network performance and status.
Only users who already have access to student data will see the dashboard. Roles with access to student data include Reporting/Pastoral Care, Filtering Administrator, Classroom Administrator, and Cloud Only Filtering Administrator roles. Find out more about which roles can and can't access student data in our guide to User Roles in School Manager.
Dashboard Overview
A. Date Selector | Choose your time period. |
B. Find User | Search for a particular user by username, email or name and quickly go to their user dashboard. |
C. Red Flags | Users with the most attempts to access potentially risky content during your chosen time period. |
D. Top Blocked | Toggle between Users, Apps, and Policies to see your most-blocked users and content and which block filtering rules are being triggered the most. |
E. Trending | Toggle between Videos, Searches and Apps to see the most popular content for all of your users during your chosen time period compared to the previous time period. |
F. Top 6 Apps | The websites, signatures, and applications using the most data on your school network . |
G. Network Health | A quick overview of your School Manager network's current status and health. This is only visible to Owners/Global admins. |
Dashboard Details
Find User
Select Find User to search for a particular user by name or email. Select Submit to go to that user’s dashboard.
Red Flags
The Red Flags section of your Dashboard shows you the users who have triggered the most Red Flags within your chosen time period as set in the d ate selector in your top navigation bar. Red Flags are tags that indicate the category and frequency of potentially risky web content users may be attempting to access. Find out more about Red Flags and how you can use them to keep your students safe online in our guide.
- Hover over an individual Red Flag to see how many times the user has triggered it, and how long ago the flag was last triggered. Select it to view a list of the times the users attempted to access content in this category.
- Select the user’s username to go to their User Dashboard to see a more detailed overview of their activity and investigate further.
- Select View All to see all Red Flags within your chosen time period.
Top Blocked
You can use the Top Blocked tile to assess how well your rules are managing your users’ access to content. The Top Blocked data can also help your wellbeing staff and school leadership find users who are distracted and trying to access inappropriate content including apps, games or social media.
Toggle between Users, Apps and Policies to see:
- Which users are being blocked based on your block filtering rules
- What content is being blocked most at your school
- Which block filtering rules are being triggered the most
Top Blocked Users
Top Blocked Users shows the users with the highest number of attempts to access content blocked by one of your filtering rules for your chosen time period.
Top Blocked Apps
Top Blocked Apps shows the most blocked websites and applications for your chosen time period.
Top Blocked Policies
Top Blocked Policies shows you which of your block rules your users are triggering most often.
Toggle between Videos, Searches and Apps to see trending content at your school within the time period you have chosen using the date selector in the top navigation bar.
School Manager determines what’s trending by looking at what content is or was accessed in the chosen time period and comparing it to what was accessed in an equivalent earlier time period. For example, data for today would be compared to yesterday. Data from yesterday would be compared to the data before. Data from the past 30 days would be compared to data from the past 60 to 31 days. Content with the greatest percentage increase between the two periods will appear as trending.
Trending Videos
Trending Videos shows you which YouTube videos are or were trending in your chosen time period.
In most cases, the popular videos should match the topics in your teachers’ classroom syllabuses.
Trending Searches
Trending Searches shows you which search keywords or phrases are or were trending in your chosen time period. You can configure School Manager to capture searches across a number of search engines and sites including Google, Bing, Yahoo, and YouTube.
Trending Apps
Trending Apps shows you which websites and applications are or were trending in your chosen time period.
An icon will be displayed for well known apps and websites. |
You should typically see the apps and websites your users need for school assignments. From time to time you will see network or operating system services like School Manager’s Fallback mode and Captive Portal or Microsoft’s Computer Security service.
Top 6 Apps
Top 6 Apps shows you which websites, signatures, and applications are using the most data on your school network. This does not show the most frequently accessed sites. Sites and apps that allow users to stream media (e.g. YouTube), or sites that allow users to upload or download files may generate a lot of traffic, but may not be the most accessed sites.
Network Health
The Network Health panel is only visible to users with the Owner/Global Admin role.
The Network Health panel gives you a quick overview of the current status and health of your School Manager network. Network Health information is real-time and won’t change if you change your set time period.
Transfer Rate
Your computer's timezone must match your Linewize appliance’s timezone for you to see the last four hours of data.
Transfer Rate shows you the volume and rate of data transferred over the past four hours, and your current data transfer rate.
- Hover over the chart to see the volume of data and rate of data transfer in four-minute intervals over the past four hours
- Select View All to open the Performance Metrics tool (below) and examine your network health in more detail, or export your network performance data.
Performance Metrics
A. Chart line |
Hover over any data point on your chart to see the detailed measure of data in gigabytes by date and time. |
B. Zoom to a range of time |
Drag the sliders underneath the X (horizontal) axis to focus on a few days or a few hours of activity. |
C. Daily transfer subtotals |
View a subtotalled list of gigabytes of data transferred per day. |
D. Clear the date range |
Click the minus to clear the date range and see all data if you are zoomed into a date range. |
E. Export the data |
Download a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file of the data as it is filtered on your screen. |
Active Users and Active Devices
Active Users displays the total number of authenticated users currently on your School Manager network.
To see your current number of guest users, go to Configuration > Users and Groups > Guests.
The total number of unique devices (based on MAC address) currently on your School Manager network.
Click View All in the Active Users or Active Devices tiles, to navigate to the Realtime > Users and Hosts.
Data Transferred Today and Data Transferred This Week
The total volume of data (uploads and downloads) sent over your School Manager network since 12:00AM, according to the timezone of your Linewize appliance.
Click View All in the subtotals Today or This Week to go to a breakdown of transfers by Apps and Websites. The total volume of data (uploads and downloads) sent over your School Manager network since 12:00AM Monday, according to the timezone of your Linewize appliance.
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