Syncing Clever with School Manager

This article is for IT Support. 

Your Linewize products need up-to-date information about the students and teachers at your school. Some products and features also need information about classrooms or students’ guardians.

The best way to provide this information is to sync a SIS (Student Information System) with School Manager. School Manager supports OneRoster, Wonde, and ClassLink. In some cases, it can also support Clever.

This article explains how to automatically sync Clever with School Manager after your Linewize Success or Account Manager turns on Clever syncing. 

Before you begin

  1. Contact your Linewize Success or Account Manager to find out if Clever is right for your school.
  2. Make sure you have Clever District admin login credentials.
  3. Schedule time outside of school hours to complete Step 1. Clever may take up to 4 hours to sync with School Manager for the first time.

Step 1: Configure Clever for Syncing

  1. Log into Clever.
  2. In Clever, assign each parent a user role (Parent/Guardian, Family, Emergency, Other) and add an email address. Clever won’t sync parents who are missing roles or emails.

Step 2: Integrate Clever with School Manager

  1. Sign in to School Manager.
  2. Go to Configuration > Authentication > Clever.
  3. Select Enabled.
  4. Select Log in with Clever. The Clever Log in page will be displayed.
  5. Log in with your Clever credentials. Verify your District ID is correct.
  6. Next, identify the school you want to sync by one of the following methods:
    1. Searching for your School name
    2. Using Clever Badge log in
    3. Using your District admin log in

  1. Select the options you need to manage your users:
Option Description
Sync Classroom Data

This syncs the classroom data and classroom relationships with our systems. Sync Classroom Data is turned on by default.

Force Unique Class Names

The internal ID and a unique name using the name of the class will be imported from Clever to ensure no classes have the same name.
For example, if a class in Clever has the name “Classroom1” and has an internal ID “12345”, enabling this checkbox will import the class as “Classroom1 - 12345” in School Manager.

Sync Parent Data This syncs the parent contact details and their relationship (Parent/Guardian, Family, Emergency, Other) with the students in School Manager.
Select the role types you want to sync as parents with School Manager.
  1. Select Run Sync.


    You only need to manually start the first sync. Clever will then sync automatically on a set schedule (see Scheduled Clever sync).

  2. Once the sync completes, School Manager will display one of two Sync Statuses.
    1. Completed: The sync was successful. You should also see the number of synced users, classrooms and parents.
    2. Failed: The sync was not successful. You should also see an error message or error code. You can try to fix the error or contact Linewize support.

Important: Scheduled Clever sync

Clever syncs with School Manager nightly in your region.

  • US/NZ region: syncs start at 6 PM US Central Time (UTC-5).
  • AU region: syncs start at 6 PM Australian Western Standard Time (UTC+8).
  • UK region: syncs start at 6 PM UTC.

A device's sync may start any time between 6 PM in that region to 24 hours later, depending on previous sync times from other devices. You can manually run a sync if you need to propagate changes before the automatic sync period.

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