Create a Content Modification policy

This article is for IT Support. 


This feature can only be used with Connect for Chrome or Windows devices configured in Companion Mode.

You can create a Content Modification policy to restrict certain website features from distracting or causing harm to your students.

Before you begin

If your school has a Linewize appliance, you must turn on On School Manager Network Filtering for Connect for Chrome.

Create a Content Modification Policy

  1. In School Manager, go to Filtering > Content Modification.
  2. Select Create Policy.
  3. Enter a Name for the policy.
  4. Select the Type field, then select one or more Content Modification types from the list.
  5. Use Criteria to set who the policy will apply to.


    Selecting multiple criteria in a policy requires all criteria types to be true for the policy to apply. For example, If you select a Group and Network criteria for a policy, the policy would only apply to users in the selected group and on the IP subnet.

  6. Select Save Policy.
  7. Turn the policy on by selecting the toggle.
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