Exclude a student or group from Parental Controls

This article is for IT Support at schools using Linewize Community.

You can exclude specific students or groups from Parental Controls using Manage Exclusions. If a user is excluded from Parental Controls, Qustodio will still show Timeline and Dashboard activity. The parents or guardians of excluded students will not be able to use Parental Controls, even if they are already connected to them.

  1. Go to School Manager > Community > Configure Community.
  2. Select Manage Exclusions. The Manage Exclusions window will appear.
  3. In the Exclude Groups field, enter the group name containing the users you want to exclude.
  4. Select the group name from the matching results. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add more groups.
  5. In the Exclude Users field, enter the username of the students you want to exclude.
  6. Select the username from the matching results. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to add more users.
  7. Select Save Exclusions.


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