Troubleshoot Google Sync errors

This article is for IT Support .

You will receive an error message when your Google sync with School Manager fails. This article provides steps to troubleshoot the error message displayed by School Manager.

Google Sync Errors

Error Description Troubleshooting Steps
403 Access Not Configured/ access_not_configured This error occurs when Linewize services don’t have the correct Google permissions.
  1. Turn on App Access control.
  2. Turn on API Access.
  3. Set Age-based access for your service account to Over 18.
  4. Relink your Google domain in School Manager.
  5. If this error continues, contact Linewize Support.
403 Classroom Disabled This error occurs when the Classroom API access is disabled.
  1. Check Google Classroom is turned on.
  2. Relink your Google domain in School Manager
  3. If this error continues, contact Linewize Support.
403 Not Authorized to access this resource/API This error occurs when the Google user account doesn’t have Super Admin permissions.
  1. Add Super Admin Permissions to your Google account for School Manager sync.
  2. Relink your Google domain in School Manager
  3. If this error continues, contact Linewize Support.

429 Rate Limit

This error occurs when sending too many requests to the API within a specified time period.
  1. Contact Linewize Support.
503 Service Unavailable

This error occurs when the Google service is unavailable during the sync.


  1. This will typically resolve itself during the next automatic sync, you can try manually syncing later. 
  2. If this error continues, contact Linewize Support.
Exception: Failed to retrieve google credentials This error occurs when using invalid Google domain account credentials.
  1. Check your Google domain account credentials and update them if required.
  2. Relink your Google domain in School Manager
  3. If this error continues, contact Linewize Support.

invalid_grant: Account has been deleted

This error occurs when the account authorising the sync has been deleted.
invalid_grant: Bad Request" This error occurs when using invalid Google domain account credentials.
invalid_grant: Token has been expired or revoked. This error occurs when the token used to access data is no longer valid.
invalid_client: Unauthorized This error occurs when the account authorising the sync is no longer authorised.


Relinking your Google domain in School Manager

Relinking your Google domain in School Manager

After troubleshooting the error, you must revoke and relink your Google domain in School Manager:

  1. Go to Configuration > Authentication > Google.
  2. Select Revoke.
  3. Select Link Credentials to your Google domain.
  4. Select Run Sync to sync with Google.
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