Identifying users with authentication errors or uninstalled Connect

This article is for IT Support.

You can use the Advanced Search tool in School Manager to find students with authentication errors or who have uninstalled the Connect app from their school-managed learning device. You can share the results of your investigation with teachers or wellbeing staff. You can also use what you’ve discovered to determine whether to harden your device management settings.


You will need access to a list of students from your Student Information System (SIS) or school system to compare with students identified using Advanced Search.

Finding users using Advanced Search

  1. Go to Reports > Advanced Search.
  2. Select From Date.
    • Select the start and end dates or use the Last 7 Days preset to keep the number of records you investigate manageable. For larger schools, you may need to use a smaller date range.


      You are limited to selecting a maximum of three months of data at a time. Select a shorter date range if the Advanced Search displays an error message.

  3.  Select Group Name.
    • Start typing the group name or scroll down the Group list.
    • Select a minimum of one Group.
  4. Select Blocked Yes and No checkboxes.
  5. Select Agent.
    • Select Contains from the left-hand side dropdown.
    • Enter chrome-extension, mobile-zone-darwin, mobile-zone-windows on the right-hand side dropdown.
  6. Select Load (clockwise circular arrow).


    Depending on the date range and number of users at your school, the report may take some time to load.

  7. When the report is generated, select Unique Users to display every student who reported in or logged onto the school network in the last seven days. You can compare this list to a year group and use it to identify any missing students who have had authentication issues or managed to remove Connect from their school-managed devices.

(Optional) Download Unique Users list

  1. In the Unique Users window, select Download in the upper right.
  2. Select the file type from Format dropdown.
  3. Select Advanced Data Options.
  4. Select All Results.
  5. Select Download.


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